Returns & Exchanges
Any questions before buying? please reach out
We try very hard to answer any questions before you purchase. Please email us if you require any specific measurements of garments - we promise to get back to you asap. please email us at we are very responsive
phoning the store in Perth is not the best idea as we are often with customers
Return process-Australia and New Zealand
Sometimes styles just don’t work, and you’ll need to send back or swap for a size or style that suits. We issue store credits that have no expiry date
As a rule we have a no refund policy, but we also understand that buying online can be tricky - especially if you're not familiar with our styles and how they fit.
We will always try and work something out -and if a refund is the only option then we can definitely look at this for first time purchasers
We require email contact via the form below within 7 days of you receiving the item. The items must be sent back with us within 14 days of you receiving it
We have sent your items with care and love, and appreciate you returning to us in the same way. Unworn, neatly folded, tags/packaging in tact.
Items received with marks or stains will be returned to you
If you are using a payment program such as afterpay, we will only be able to issue you a store credit
If we receive a return without any communication we will be unable to do anything -Sorry! don’t need to wait for a response after you submit the form below
Use trackable postbags when returning
Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. We suggest you use a trackable service and keep the tracking number just in case. It is not our responsibility if the item doesn't make it back to us. we will always try and find it of course
We are in Perth, so using express post for your return is suggested , as it means we can get a replacement/store credit to you much quicker.
Please just email us if there are any issues in getting the return back in time on
changing size
To speed up the process we suggest buying your correct size on line, and then we will refund your item when we get it back .
Items can sell out quickly, and this is the best way to ensure you receive it quickly
If you want to swap sizes, and don't want to purchase, please make a note and put IN with the return item, and also on the form below. we will do our best to send you the size, but it cannot be guaranteed . We will then email you with options (other colours etc)
swapping styles
If you are returning your order, and wish to exchange or swap for a different style, we will issue you with a store credit . This has no expiry date. We are unable to hold any items for an exchange
Alternatively -we suggest buying on line what you'd like, and we will refund your item when it comes back …with limited stock this is often the best way to go
faulty garment, or our error
If the garment is faulty, or we have made a mistake, we will send you a shipping label to return the garment to us.. and refund the purchase if a replacement or alternative can’t be found .
International orders
If you are returning an item, we will of course allow for postage times . Just pop an email through to us though or fill in the attached form .
If you are wanting to return an item you will need to pay the shipping cost again to get to us
Please ask us about sizing before you purchase to avoid extra costs! Happy to help and measure garments to get it right for you
*We are not able to refund international orders -so please be sure to check measurements -or contact us for any sizing/style questions on
FULL priced items CAN be returned for a credit or exchange
SALE items CANNOT be returned for a refund -possible size swap if we have available . So please check measurements etc carefully
FLASH sale items CAN be returned for a credit or exchange
AFTERPAY/ZIP purchases CANNOT be returned for a refund . A store credit with no expiry will be given
Again, if you have any questions relating to the styles or fit, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at
We are a small team - and work 7 days a week - and will often answer your emails at night and at the weekend 💚